Monday, January 19, 2009


Is it my lucky number?
Being born at certain year,certain month and certain day which related to 6 and even number..
Does this make me 2/3 omen child?

I thought I'm the lucky one..
But end up,I experience things much more harder than others..
I thought I can stand strong to whatever attack of life,
but just the very sudden,
I knew,I'm going to collapse..
I'm not as strong as I thought..
6, the number I cant escape for life..
J,you are weak...


Anonymous said...

I'd been calling myself as J in my diary, and exactly the same sentence as wat u written...

"J,you're weak..."

I'd been blamed myself for what I'd been through...but such as life....

Anyway, good luck ya my fren?


J said...

Thanks a lot!

You too^^v